Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Busy Bee- "How to cherish and make the most of your time"

Summer time can be a great time, that is, if you have something to do. This summer has been great for me, mainly because I am discovering so many new things about life. Usually when the summer comes many people have this time off, and what they realize is that with nothing going on, unlike spring and fall seasons, you can become extremely bored. There is an expression that I like to remember that keeps me going, it is simple: An Idle Mind is the Devil's playground. Okay so lets say your not that religious and you really don't understand this quote, well its simple to understand; basically it means when you have nothing to do and you are completely bored the devil has a tricky way of playing with your mind. Boredom gets you thinking how lonely and depressed you feel, you stay inside and just shoot a blank, or you just sleep all day. Well this is a problem, some may like to do this...but I don't know who those people are and I don't know why they would like such a tremendously boring environment. Keep in mind, if you require a resting period...that is okay for the summer.

So basically I have come with the anecdote, boredom can take up time, waste precious time, and basically you end up missing out on all the great things life has to offer. Now there are some people who believe that if they are going somewhere or working, they are fine because there time is occupied, but what do those people do when the clock has slowed pace, or it is nearly impossible to meet up with friends? I'd like to think they do what I would do...find a way to keep busy. Now, it is important to not confuse busyness with having fun and not being bored, although being busy with something you like to is totally cool and very exciting.

The problem many people face is that they don't really know what they like to do and can't really define what they do when there friends or significant others are no longer with them...or perhaps how to get started on something. Well that's where I come in, the first order of business is to:
  1. Define yourself by yourself. A commonly made mistake is defining ourselves by others, what this does is puts our happiness in another person. So God forbid that this person doesn't want to hang with you, or is busy doing some of the things they like to do...you might be out of luck. However, when you define you happiness by yourself whether someone is with you or not-you are okay. This works for me, anywhere I go I can be content because I know what I like and I know what makes me happy. So if you can understand yourself and how to make yourself smile before anyone else...guess what?...You'll be fine!
  2. Discover what "Me Time" really means. Me time can be anything...for a guy it may be working out at the local gym, it may be enrolling in a course at school, what ever it may be, make it about you. For a girl, well this could be anything from treating yourself to a massage, or relaxing at home in a hot bath...whatever the case make sure you enjoy yourself and your time.
  3. Look for new and exciting things to add to your "Bucket List." Everyone has something they either want to see or want to do. This is the perfect time, whether it be skydiving or going to the museum to learn something...make it about you, and after you discover that new thing you like to do, add it to your "Bucket List" and make it something that you can always tell other people you actually got to do.
Overall, the goal here is to just enjoy your days off, or your summer off. Whether your meeting and greeting friends, or by yourself exploring new reads...or even perhaps going to your first baseball game, remember time is ticking and its time to start doing instead of complaining about how boring and depressing your life is at the moment. Finally, remember that your situation can be changed very quickly and you hold the power in your hands to do just that! Have fun, live life, love life, and remember to keep learning.

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